- Troubleshooting connection problems
- How can I view the apps and games out of a meeting time?
- How to Clear Browser Cache on Google Chrome
- Session Technical Preparation Checklist
- How to Troubleshoot Camera
- How to Install Screen Sharing
- How to Troubleshoot Audio
- YouTube video - No sound for client (or therapist)
- Claim shows incorrect number of units
- I just checked for my appointment tomorrow morning.
- Can I move my toolbar (e.g. move it to the right side)?
- I’m having difficulty paying my invoice with our FSA card
- Will we be able to still meet? Is there a different link?
- Stuck on demographic form (cannot submit demographic form; continue, submit or move forward button)
- I have an appointment at...(I have a meeting at, I have a video call at, I have a session at)
- Cannot see them (cannot see my client/family or therapist, I can't see)
- How to stop pop-ups of a floating thumbs up bubble during video call
- What should I put under Confidential information being released or requested?
- Do I need a camera?
- When does session start (when is my appointment) ?
- After using resources or whiteboard or apps, how do I go back to the main video screen
- My client is getting an error message telling them that the session has too many participants and only one of them can join
- I am not able to see or hear during video call
- I can see myself but I cannot see the other person during video call (Telehealth)
- I cannot hear
- I don't see my provider (the referring physician or doctor or MD) on this list and I can't save demographic info
- Why am i still in room my appointment has already started without me
- I cannot access my superbills.
- I cannot access my statments
- Black screen during video call (Telehealth)