TheraPlatform allows users to make unavailable time slots under 'My availability" or one can also block time directly on the calendar.
Here are directions on how to block time on the calendar:
Step 1: Click on the Schedule.
Step 2: On the calendar, click on the date you wish to block off time on.
Step 3: The pop up box will pull- Next to the meeting type, locate the drop down box that will show Therapy. Click on the arrow on that box to see more options for meeting type.
Step 4: Select "Block".
Step 5: Next select time e.g, 12 pm.
Step 6: If you want the blocked time to repeat, turn the switch on Repeat (it should be in blue). Select how often do you want to repeat it, e.g., every day.
Step 7: Select the end date of the blocked time e.g. 12/31/23 (After this date the calendar will not be blocked)
Step 8: Then select the duration of blocked time (For example, if you want the calendar to be blocked from 12 pm to 1 pm) select one hour under duration.
Note: If you ever need to delete the blocked time on the calendar, click on the title blocked on the calendar and click on delete.
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