You can enter credit card information yourself or you may request credit card (cc) payment information to be provided by your client when adding a new client to your caseload or you can request it after adding a client (existing client) .
Your client will then log in to the client portal to enter his/her credit card. You must complete the Stripe set up in order to request information from your client. If you have not setup your Stripe account and connected it with TheraPlatform you will be prompted to do so first. Click on the Settings- Billing -Stripe- Setup Stripe Connection button to setup a Stripe connection.
Once you set up Stripe, you will be able to request credit cards from clients so they can enter credit card information (cc) themselves or you can enter (add) credit card information yourself under the client's chart.
To add credit card (cc) yourself (the admin, therapist, or biller) follow these steps:
Step 1: Log in and click on Clients.
Step 2: Click on the eye icon next to the name of the client or start typing the name of the client in the upper Client search bar. Select the name of the client and this will open the chart.
Step 3. Click on Account > Stripe < Add card< Enter credit card info and save changes.
How to set up credit card payments when adding a new client (how to request credit card number from new clients so they can enter it themselves)
Step 1: Click on Clients
Step 2: Click on Add.
Step 3: At the pop-up box- enter your client's information and mark the field require billing in blue. This will prompt the client to enter the credit card number when the client logs in to the client portal.
Step 4: Once completed click on Save Changes.
Note: If you plan on requesting credit card information from all new clients, you can automate this by always requiring credit card when adding a new client. Click on Settings< Portal< Public Scheduler and mark in blue “Always Require Billing” and save changes. This way when you add a new client the field “require billing” will be marked for you already.
How to set up credit card payments for existing client (how to request credit card number from existing clients so they can enter it themselves)
Step 1: Click on Clients.
Step 2: Click on the eye icon next to the name of your client or start typing the name of the client in the upper client search bar. Select the name and this will open the chart.
Step 3: Click on Account< Stripe
Step 4: If you have not set up a Stripe connection yet, you will see the Setup Stripe Connection button. If you have, click on Edit Stripe
Step 5: Check the required box.
Step 6: The next time your client signs into their account they will be required to provide credit card information
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