TheraPlatform automatically shows goals you entered under Assessment and treatment plan on progress notes (therapy notes), however if you don't wish to see your goals on therapy notes, you can hide the goals.
To hide goals on progress/therapy notes follow these steps: (admin)
Step 1: Click on Settings.
Step 2: Click on Notes, then on Progress Notes.
Step 3: If you already sat up your templates (either from our built in library or you built your own therapy notes templates), they will show for you. If not, refer to how to set up therapy note template and how to build note templates from scratch articles.
Step 4: Click on the green edit button next to your note template/s (you wish to hide the goals from), e.g., SOAP.
Step 5: At the pop up box, mark in blue "Hide goals".
Step 6: Click on Save changes.
Note: If in the future, if you want to show your goals on therapy notes, follow the above steps and un-check option "hide goals" and save changes.
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